Legal report


Analyzed the website from the point of view of the GDPR and Law 34/2002, of July 11, it is verified that it has cookies, and indicates that it is a secure site. The aforementioned website:

  • Provides information about cookies in the first layer or pop-up notice and provides the possibility of configuring and rejecting cookies.

  • The privacy policy attached to this report must be added to the website. It will be independent of the cookie policy, which is also attached. Both the privacy policy and the cookie policy must appear in separate texts and links.
  • The cookie policy must be completed with a cookie box where the specific cookies used on the website are reported at all times.
  • The legal notice, for its part, will also be a text and link independent of the previous ones, and is also attached.
  • The three legal texts must be accessible to the user at all times, through visible links on the home page called “Privacy Policy”, “Cookie Policy”, “Legal Notice”.
  • Contact forms must add the basic information on data protection contained in the privacy policy. Contact forms or any other type contained on the website must incorporate, as established by the privacy policy, the following text:

I have read and accept the privacy policy, cookie policy and legal notice of this website
Basic information on data protection:
The CONTROLLER of the data processing is ZESEIS ESPAÑA, S.A., with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 123, Esc. Izq., Piso 6, Puerta B, 28046 Madrid and NIF A72797939.
Purposes: management of the request, application or query.
You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability, limitation. You can access the remaining information in the Privacy Policy of


Regulations that have been taken into account for the review and modification of the website that contains this Report and the legal texts to which it refers:

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).
  • Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI).
  • Cookies Guide of the Spanish Data Protection Agency in its latest version, accessible at
  • Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.


The following changes have occurred with respect to cookies, making it mandatory to inform and request and save the consent obtained, due to a change in criteria of the European Data Protection Committee.

  • Continuing to browse is no longer valid as consent to validate cookies (scrolling on the website is not valid, removing the cookie notice without accepting it is not valid), but consent must be obtained for the use of cookies through a clear explicit action, such as clicking on ACCEPT. If you do not click on ACCEPT, you do not give your consent.
  • The option to CONFIGURE or REJECT cookies must be made available
  • Information must be provided about all cookies, which may be granular, by layers or levels (a pop-up notice at the top of the website, clearly visible)
  • This does not work with all cookies, since there are cookies exempt from this obligation.
  • Reliable cookie management platforms or plugins can be used, and if they are in charge of processing, a data processing agreement must be signed with them.

In order to know whether the website of this entity uses cookies that are not exempt from informing and requesting consent, that is, whether it is exempt from requesting consent or not, it is necessary for the programmer/web designer, web provider or webmaster to obtain the cookies and type of cookies on the website, their purposes, assignees and duration of them, and to obtain a list of cookies that includes:

  • Period of validity of each cookie
  • Whether they are session cookies or whether they persist or not in the user’s browser when the user stops browsing
  • Whether they are first-party or third-party, including the name of each third party
  • With respect to each cookie, it must be known whether it is a technical cookie, whether it is a preference or personalization cookie, whether it is an analysis or measurement cookie, whether it is a behavioral advertising cookie.

Following this technical analysis of cookies, the appropriate Cookie Policy must be added to the website according to the analysis of the cookies and the information in the first layer (pop-up notice) and in the second layer.

For example, any website that has Google Analytics cookies is not exempt from consent, and must inform and request consent.

For more information and to help the webmaster or programmer of the website, you can consult the Cookies Guide published by the AEPD, accessible at


In order to ensure accessibility and readability, in application of Art. 80.1.b of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of the consolidated text of the Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, the font size of contractual texts offered on the web or in digital formats will be 2.5 millimeters or greater, with space between lines of 1.15 millimeters or greater, and the contrast with the background will be sufficient to make it easy to read, without prejudice to the fact that said contractual texts inform the user that they can configure the browser to view the font in one or another size. Applications or systems will be configured so that said font size and line spacing are guaranteed by default.


In application of Art. 20.4 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, in force since May 28, 2022, in the event that the website has user or customer reviews, information must be contained in the general conditions of sale:

  • on whether or not the business owner of the website guarantees that the published reviews have been made by consumers and users who have actually used or purchased the goods or services on the website.
  • on the way in which the reviews are processed.


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